Monday, October 8, 2012

Triumphant Return!

Just so you know, our year-long hiatus from the blogosphere had nothing to do with laziness.  It was an elaborate plot to leave you aching for more so that we could come back most triumphantly.  All in all, though, it's not like we had a very exciting year.  I mean, so we moved at Thanksgiving for the third time in three years?  So I was promoted from "Trial Counsel" to "Chief of Military Justice"?  So Caleb turned one?  So Carter turned four?  So Lorein told me I can't do the dishes anymore because I'm too slow and made me take over giving the boys baths instead?  So what.  If we had blogged about any of that, you all would have stopped reading.  Hence the need for a getaway and a chance to regenerate some creative juices.  In order to come back with a bang, here are some pics and videos of Carter and Caleb, since I know that's all you care about.

 With the peacocks at The Quadrangle

Caleb quickly learned to love Costco

And is getting good at relaxing

All this attention on Caleb made Carter jealous though.  He realized he was going to have to do something drastic to make us take pictures of him too.  Fortunately, Carter is a very intelligent, creative child, and so quickly came up with a solution . . . he cut his hair.

Caleb was less than thrilled

In fact, he thought it was downright weird

But Carter looked so dang good . . .

 That Caleb decided it was time to accessorize too.


Erica said...

I was just thinking about you guys today! I am glad you are back :) your boys are getting so grown up. Where are you living now?

April Celeste Garff said...

It's about time. Glad to see you guys back in the blogging game.

betsey said...

I'm so glad I kept your blog in my blog reader. Glad you've made your triumphant return! We have missed all these cute faces!