Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Year's Eve

As you can probably already tell, Carter is one spoiled kid. He got to open more Christmas presents at Grandma and Grandpa Crall's on New Year's Eve. Here are some of the details:

Just hanging around with dad waiting for the fun to start.
Helping Grandma Shari open one of her presents.
Carter opening one of his presents and me trying to get the boys on the couch to help take some videos.
Yep, these boys (we think that's root beer).

Hamming it up for the camera
Carter wearing my in-n-out shirt. Every Christmas the Crall's give us new in-n-out shirts. As you can see, this year's model generated a lot of excitement since it's black, not the usual white.
Carter's Great Grandma Riley gave him this super cute rocking chair. He loves to sit down and point out the train that's painted on it.
Who wouldn't want to spoil this kid??


betsey said...

I want to spoil that kid! But seriously, he's going to think that presents come the entire month of December!

Miss you guys! I posted on Chris's facebook wall that I'm scheduled to be induced on Friday night. Looks like Baby Hawkins #2 might share a birthday with Chris! Fingers crossed!!! It would help Richard remember your birthday and not call you a month in advance :)

shari said...

good job Lorein! you are almost caught up -- like all the train trip pics too, and I don't know if it is just Carter with the Diether clan there, but he looks like a Diether in those pics. I can see Justin all over him.