Saturday, May 2, 2009

Watermelon Crall

My sister Mary Ann has pretty much been calling me everyday to post some pictures of Carter, so I'll oblige.

It's the start of watermelon season and Carter is loving it! He crawls around the house with a slice (much to our chagrin) and was excited when we let him have some in the bath (he normally takes a bath in the tub, but he was playing in the sink and got mad when we tried to take him out). Unfortunately, he hasn't yet totally learned that the good part is the red stuff, not the green stuff.


Driel said...

Adorable! I love that you can see Lorein smiling in the mirror.

Shari said...

I see Carter takes his phone everywhere.

Kathy said...

You are brave to let him have watermelon to crawl around with. But at least it is healthy food...I love when babies will eat good food and not just fruit snacks!