Thursday, January 21, 2010

Best day of his life

I'm pretty sure if Carter could recall his whole life (and put it into words) and you asked him what the best day has been so far he would say this day...the day he got a cozy coupe. Not only does he love the cozy coupe, but he loves putting things together so the whole process was heaven for him. We decided to give him an early Christmas present after we went to the mall and he played in one of the shopping carts with the car attached for hours.

Were we pushing the cart? Nope, it was parked at the station where you have to rent one. That didn't stop Carter though, and since we were sitting ducks we ended up getting into a long conversation with a proselyting born again. The topic of Joseph Smith of course came up and eventually his martyrdom. This was the account that she learned in "religion class at school": Joseph Smith was in jail and somehow a riot broke out and Joseph and Hyrum both started shooting and so the guards said what the heck, if they're shooting at us we'll shoot at them. Ha. I think my jaw dropped to the floor. I mean, I know there are a lot of misconceptions and ignorance about our religion, but wow. Chris responded that he had honestly never heard that version and of course told her the accurate version and she responded "Well, I've never heard your version." You mean the truth?? Obviously.

So we bought a Cozy Coupe! We bought it early in hopes that it would help distract Carter while I packed - it did.


Erica said...

This is so cute! I can't believe how grown up Carter is looking. Harper loves those carts too, I wish we had room in our apartment for one of these.

We are going to come out to visit you guys sometime soon I hope. Tom has been working SO MUCH we just need to wait for things to die down a little.

Clare said...

Adam got one for Christmas, too, but it was so Cami couldn't say it was hers. Adam won't know any the wiser either. It stays in my parents' basement until we have a place to put it.