Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Train Wreck

Not to worry, the title of my post is not in reference to my life just the law conference that I've been working on since August. It took place on Friday, January 15th. Click on the title to go to the official website:

Train Wreck: A Conference on America's Looming Fiscal Crisis

You can even view videos of the entire event! I know, you can barely contain your excitement. It's riveting stuff.

I'm just glad that it's over. It was tons of work and much harder to do all the work from home than I thought it would be. It went off without a hitch. Apparently it was so successful that they're talking about making it an annual event. Yep, I am that good.


Driel said...

Yahoo, it is over!!!! I like the train wreck picture. That will get your attention.

shari said...

man, I should have had you get me into this thing -- but I am not sure I would have understood it. I would have tried though!

I think there was too much west coast though and you should have showed off your connections with some dartmouth talent.